Koncerty i wydarzenia 2015

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Sunday, May 31, POZNAŃ
Waga, Old Town Market Square, 5 PM


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Sunday, May 31, POZNAŃ
Franciscan Church, Wzgórze Przemysła (Przemysł Hill), 7 PM  

The Coro Da Camera Academic Choir of the Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland,
The Baroque Orchestra of the Academy of Music in Poznan, Poland,
Solists: Grażyna Flicińska-Panfil, Lidia Łopacińska-Giersz, Marta Panfil, Sławomir Bronk, Krzysztof Leśniewicz
Conductor: Barbara Dąbrowska-Silska

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Sunday, June 7, POZNAŃ
Archaeological Museum, 12 PM

BeFour Soloist Quartet of the AMU Chamber Choir, Poland
Karolina Piesik, Kamila Tracewska, Anna Komendzińska, Brygida Sawicka-Stępińska

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Sunday, June 7, POZNAŃ
St. Martin's Church, ul. Św. Marcin, 7 PM

„Inclina aurem” Schola Cantorum of the Archbishopric Seminary in Poznań, Poland
Conductor: ks. Dr Mariusz Białkowski

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Friday, June 12, POZNAŃ
„Jublilat” Cultural Centre, in os. Tysiąclecia 30, 7 PM

The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education Choir “Polihymnia”, Poland
Conductor: Dr Tomasz Dzięcioł


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Friday, June 12, WĄGROWIEC
State School of Music Concert Hal, 7 PM

Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir in Poznan, Poland
Solist: Jan Adamczewski, Zdzisław Babiarski
Conductor: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz, Dr Joanna Piech-Sławecka

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Sunday, June 14, PIŁA
St. Anthony of Padua's Church, ul. Ludowa 20, 3.30 PM

Academic Choir of the Stanisław Staszic State Higher Vocational School in Piła, Poland
Conductor: Karol Urbanek

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Sunday, June 21, POZNAŃ
Fara Church, ul. Klasztorna, singing liturgy during Mass at 5 PM, concert at 6 PM

Poznań University of Technology Choir “Volantes Soni”, Poland
Conductor: Dr Paweł Łuczak

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Thursday, June 25, WRZEŚNIA
St. Jadwiga of Poland's Church, ul. Ogrodowa 14, 7 PM

Concert Choir of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Conductor: Prof. Joamel González-Soto


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Thursday, June 25, GRODZISK WLKP
Rondo Cultural Centre Hall, ul. Kolejowa 12, 6PM

University of Guayaquil Choir, Ecuador, Conductor: Prof. Fernando Gil Estrada
and University of the Philippines Concert Chorus, The Philippines,
Conductor: Prof. Janet Sabas-Aracama

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Friday, June 26, WRZEŚNIA
St. Jadwiga of Poland's Church, ul. Ogrodowa 14, 7 PM

University of Johannesburg Choir, South Africa
Conductor: Renette Bouwer

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Friday, June 26, LUSOWO
St. Hedwig of Silesia and St. Jacob Apostle's Church, ul. Poznańska 2, 7 PM

Alexander Petrosyan Chamber Choir at the National Technical University (NTU) Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
Conductor: Felix Sokol and Diana Orekivska

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Friday, June 26, DĄBRÓWKA Dopiewo commune
St. Ursula Ledóchowska's Church, ul. Malinowa 50, 7 PM

Academic Choir of the Students' Cultural Center Niš, Serbia
Conductor: Prof. Zoran Stanisavljevic

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Friday, June 26, WĄGROWIEC
State School of Music Concert Hall, 7 PM

The Youth Choir Svitych of the Gogol State University in Nizhyn, Ukraine
Conductors: Prof. Lyudmila Shumska, Prof. Lyudmila Kostenko

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Sunday, June 28, OPATÓWEK koło Kalisza
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, ul. Kościelna 9, 5.30 PM

Chamber Choir of the Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Conductor: Dr Beata Szymańska






Wednesday, June 24, AMU Hall, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 7 PM

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Adam Mickiewicz University Chamber Choir in Poznan, Poland
The Youth Choir Svitych of the Gogol State University in Nizhyn, Ukraine
University of Guayaquil Choir, Ecuador


Thursday, June 25, AMU Hall, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 7 PM

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Academic Choir of the Students' Cultural Center Niš, Serbia
Alexander Petrosyan Chamber Choir at the National Technical University (NTU) Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
University of Johannesburg Choir, South Africa


Friday, June 26, AMU Hall, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 7 PM

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Concert Choir of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Adam Mickiewicz University Academic Choir in Poznań, Poland
University of the Philippines Concert Chorus, The Philippines





Saturday, June 27, AMU Hall, ul. Wieniawskiego 1, 7 PM

Final Concert

Presentations of participating ensembles
and the world premiere of Arion by Zuzanna Koziej for mixed choir and string orchestra,
awarded a prize at the Young Polish Composers' Competition.



Choirs participating in the Festival
Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio

Conductor: Agnieszka Duczmal



   Book a ticket  


The Final Concert will be broadcast live on
June 27th, 7p.m., at 


Festival Director: Prof. Krzysztof Szydzisz
tel.: +48 608 30 70 30
Festival Deputy Director: AMU prof. Dr hab. Joanna Piech–Sławecka
tel.: +48 604 525 554


Address of the Festival Office  adres
Collegium Martineum, Św. Marcin 78,
61-809 Poznań, Poland

www: www.cantat.amu.edu.pl
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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for choral competitions and festivals